Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 2 - Podcast

Task 1: Listen to attached podcast.
Task 2:
Generate a list of of things made from glass in your home and school.
Did you find more items made from glass in certain rooms?
 What type of shapes are the glass items in? 3-Dimensional shapes? 2-Dimensional Shapes?
Task 3:
Work with a peer and do think-pair-share of the information you both discovered. Discuss likenesses and differences. Then your cooperative pair will respond to another pairs information. Post findings on WV Glass and Ceramics Blog and respond to another groups post.


  1. Great job with embedding the podcast. Enjoyed how you made the podcast relevant for your students. Enjoy being an explorer.

  2. Thank you Brian, I had fun creating the podcast. I had never used audioboo before, but I love how easy it is to use. Thanks for sharing this excellent tool!

  3. You will have an excellent resource on your blog for your students.
